Monday, 12 December 2016

A New Batch of Hangings

As always, Peg is delighted to welcome people who want to come and have a look at her accumulated handwoven hangings. Here she shows a visitor one of her new pieces.

 Here are the five new hangings that Peg has completed recently, the first two in her "pockets of joy" style.

Peg and her trusty scissors put the finishing touch to her latest work.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

A new Year . . . a new batch of hangings

Peg is half-way through her 99th year and looking just as glamorous as always.
 Here are some pictures of her latest hangings with a couple of close-ups.

 Peg's "Pocket of Joy" theme

Everyone loves the bobbles!

 Here are some smaller pieces - fronts and backs are both attractive

A wonderfully colourful piece from the last of the warp